Embassy of Israel hosts Indian business leaders and strengthens economic partnership to mark 30th anniversary of bilateral ties

New Delhi: The Israeli Embassy in India hosted a session attended by high-level business leaders, industrialists and entrepreneurs from both nations to discuss possible areas of cooperation and opportunities for public-private partnerships. Israeli Ambassador to India HE Naor Gilon said: “It was also special because both nations are celebrating 30 years of friendship and bilateral relations. Israel and India are natural partners and both share an appetite for technological innovation.” Gilon noted that the session further strengthened business and economic ties between the two countries.

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The event took place at the embassy last Thursday in partnership with the Economic Times India Leadership Council and the Israel Economic & Commercial Mission.

Speaking at the event, Natasha Zangin, the head of the Economic and Trade Mission at the Embassy of Israel in New Delhi, highlighted the emerging opportunities for trade cooperation and presented the mission’s goals and activities aimed at promoting improve and facilitate trade, investment and industrial R&D between both countries.

The session focused on the growing business opportunities between the two countries. Bilateral trade between the two nations totaled over $6 billion in 2021.

In addition to dialogue and networking, the session also saw several Israeli and Indian speakers who are high-level experts in the fields of technology and innovation sharing their knowledge. Some of these speakers came to the session virtually from Israel. They shared their thoughts and experiences on the Israeli innovation ecosystem, the Israeli-India economic partnership and growth opportunities for Israeli companies in India.

In August, the Israeli Ambassador to India organized the “17th Everything About Water Expo 2022” in the capital to strengthen cooperation between Israel and India in the water sector. An Israeli pavilion showcased state-of-the-art water technologies from eight leading Israeli water companies. High level water experts from Israel attended this event and shared their knowledge on the Israel water management model, political regulations, water technologies, R&D implementation and the Israel-India water partnership.

Defense Secretary Rajnath Singh and his Israeli counterpart, Benny Gantz, held bilateral talks in July where leaders discussed defense cooperation and the prevailing global and regional scenario. Marking 30 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, India and Israel adopted a “Vision Statement” to pave the way for future strengthening of defense cooperation.

Sybil Alvarez

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