Elon Musk, Twitter and India: variable geometry freedom of expression

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From ChatGPT to Twitter via Meta, every platform reflects a vision of the world, which is largely maintained by a policy of moderation. From there until tempted by censorship? Illustrated with documentary prohibited references in India.

This is a documentary film produced by the BBC, about an event that occurred in 2002 and which burned gunpowder: the Gujarat riots. Back to the role played by the current Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi during this deadly riot, he was referred to as “hostile propagandaor “Indian trash” by the adviser to the Indian government’s information minister, Kanchan Gupta.

The latter has asked social networks to remove any references to the documentary, with some success so far. arrested, Elon Musk defended himself by explaining that he encountered what might be akin to censorship. “This is my first time hearing it. It would be impossible for me to fix all aspects of Twitter worldwide overnight, while still managing Tesla and SpaceX, among others,” he explained. He presented himself, when it acquired Twitter five months ago, as a staunch defender of freedom. expression. This case is a reminder of its importance moderation for platforms who aspire to play an important role in our life.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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