Elon Musk Calls Twitter Slow In Indonesia, Due To Slow Internet?

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

new boss Twitter alluding to very slow Twitter in a number of countries, one of them Indonesia. Is it because the internet is slow?

Musk said it took around 10-15 seconds to refresh the Twitter homepage in those countries.

“Twitter is very slow in India, Indonesia and many other countries. That’s a fact, not a ‘statement’. 10-15 seconds to refresh homeline tweets is commonplace there. Sometimes it doesn’t work at all, especially on Android phones,” Musk said in a conversation with former Meta CTO Mike Schroepfer on Twitter, Tuesday (11/15).

Next, Musk attributed Twitter’s slowness in the region to several things, such as bandwidth, latency, and apps.

“The only question is how much delay is due to bandwidth/latency/application,” Musk said.

When it comes to internet speed, Indonesia and India did not get good numbers either on fixed broadband or mobile or cellular broadband networks.

According to Ookla, on fixed broadband, Indonesia is ranked 123 with an internet speed of 22.78 Mbps. Meanwhile, India got a best record, ranked 79th with a speed of 48.78 Mbps.

While on mobile networks, Indonesia and India occupy positions 112 and 113 respectively in the global internet speed rankings. Indonesia recorded a speed of 16.70 Mbps, while India 16.50 Mbps.

Referring to record mobile internet speed in both countries, Twitter’s slowness could be due to internet speed.

But according to Musk, the process conducted by Twitter could also be the cause of Twitter’s slowness.

Musk said there are about 1,200 microservices on the server, 40 of which are essential to the functioning of the Twitter process. Musk suggested minimizing the number of microservices that Twitter runs so that the application process can be completed more quickly.

“There are about 1200 server-side ‘microservices’, of which about 40 are essential to the operation of Twitter, according to the server monitoring team. Reduce these 1200, reduce data usage, serial moves and simplify the application , are all necessary to increase the speed of use,” Musk said.

Twitter itself is undergoing a major overhaul following the Musk acquisition. One of the changes is the blue tick policy for an account.

Now an account can get a blue tick if it pays USD 8 or IDR 125,000 per month. Paid accounts will automatically subscribe to Twitter Blue which is supposed to provide a number of premium features.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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