Magdeburg/Berlin (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) is pushing for the list of safe countries of origin to be expanded. The recognition rate of asylum applications from people from countries such as Georgia, India, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Moldova is far below five percent, the CDU politician told the German Press Office. “So more than 95 per cent there is no reason for protection. Therefore it makes sense to put these countries on the list of safe countries of origin.”
A suitable application will be discussed at a conference of interior ministers, who will meet in Berlin on Wednesday. Zieschang hopes the expansion will speed up the asylum process and make deportations easier to enforce. In this way, relief in accommodation should also be achieved. “It’s also about making space for those who really need protection.”
In addition, Saxony-Anhalt is urging the federal government to produce an annual forecast of the expected arrivals again. “The federal government is legally obligated to provide an annual estimate of the number of asylum seekers coming to Germany. There has been none since August 2015,” Zieschang criticized. Forecasts can help make planning and preparation easier for states and municipalities.
Before the meeting of interior ministers, the CDU politician made it clear that Saxony-Anhalt needed skilled workers from abroad. “To increase the skilled worker immigration target, the issuance of visas to foreign skilled workers should be significantly increased,” said Zieschang. “Waiting times should be reduced, procedures digitized and visa offices better staffed.” To this end, Saxony-Anhalt, together with the other ministers of the interior of the Union, made appropriate requests.
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