Doctor removes 187 pieces from stomachs of ‘call-eater’ men in India

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A team of surgeons managed to remove around 187 parts from the ‘money-eating’ man from Bagalkot district in the state of Karnataka, India south.

As quoted by The Independence, the 58-year-old was also believed to be suffering from a psychiatric illness.

The doctor said the man complained of stomach pains and vomited several times.

Internal surgeon at HSK Hospital in Bengaluru, Eshwar Kalaburgi, said the man with schizophrenia had been swallowing coins for two to three months.

The 187 pieces that were successfully removed from the man’s stomach reached 1.5 kilograms. A total of 56 coins are 5 rupees, 51 coins are 2 rupees, while the other 80 coins are 1 rupee.

to the Indian News Agency, ANIquoted by The Independent, Kalaburgi said the patient who underwent surgery was completely unaware that he had eaten the currency.

“It’s a rare case. It’s the first case I’ve dealt with in my 40-year career,” Kalaburgi said.

He said the operation took more than two hours to remove the 187 coins from the Indian’s stomach.

“His stomach was incredibly enlarged and there were a lot of pieces stuck in various places in the stomach,” Kalaburgi said.

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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