Disorder, the indie rock show: the return of Blur, the British shoegaze bdrmm, Sir Chloe and other discoveries

In the second part of the show, renaud offer focus on bdrmm, the new Shoegaze sensation from across the Channel. Project guitarist/singer Ryan Smiththe group from Hull had revealed itself during confinement with an unexpectedly successful first album. And if a sequel is expected to 06/30, Jam lead and have met with the group to discuss the origins”I do not know“, a second disc with a more electronic sound.

Tonight, renaud looking back at meeting with these brothers Ryan And Jordan Smith and take the opportunity to distill some sharp anecdotes: how the group met Mogwai in a pub in Glasgow, how certain songs were composed on a tour on the road to the Alps and why trips to farms and Polo parts changed the course of recording…

Curious ? Tune in to Disorder this Thursday night at 6 p.m. And to find out bdrmm live, the UK group will kick off their European tour with us at Bruges 17 October. And since twice is always better than one, bdrmm will be trix To Antwerp two days later. In the meantime, we might even book a written interview with the band for the release.”I do not know” THAT Next June 30th. So isn’t life beautiful?

KEEP MOVING, we tell you more this Thursday at 6pm Chaos !

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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