Discovery of an abandoned mosque in a dry dam in India

The Nooro Mosque has been flowing at the bottom of the dam for 30 years.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PHULWARI — An abandoned mosque emerges from the bottom of a shrinking dam in India. This is known from video recording.

The structure stands 30 feet above the ground, fully exposed in the muddy ground of the Phulwaria Dam in Bihar, a state in northeast India. According to video footage by Manmauji Baba, the mosque has three arched entrances with matching domes on top.

Also, the brick facade looks dark brown at the bottom, fading to light brown at the top. The video footage also shows eight towers towering over the building which is very well preserved as water flows nearby.

Locals say the mosque is called Masjid Noori and may be up to 120 years old. In the past, he said, many people lived around the mosque. Video footage also shows the ruins of other dam buildings drying up.

According Kashmir Media Service, the conditions around the mosque changed in the 1980s due to the construction of the Phulwaria Dam. Residents were forced to leave and move to other nearby villages and leave the mosque.

Reported Bellingham Herald, Friday (9/9/2022), in the 30 years since the dam submerged the mosque, its minarets and domes are sometimes visible, but the rest of the structure remains submerged. This year, however, Bihar received 40% less rainfall than usual in mid-August and experienced drought conditions. This could be one of the state’s driest seasons in 50 years.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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