Discover the 5 strongest countries in the world, how does Indonesia rank?, JAKARTA – An institution called Global Firepower (GFP) has released a list of the most powerful countries in the world. The rating of the most powerful country in the world is measured on the basis of a power index, namely a rating based on the military finances, logistical capabilities and geography of the country’s territory.

The ranking of the most powerful countries in the world this year was released on January 12, 2022. Based on the assessment made, the smaller the points obtained, the better the country has a military strength.

So, which countries are included in the list of countries with the most powerful military in the world? See the following explanation.

Order of the strongest countries in the world

1. United States of America

The United States occupies the first position as the strongest country in the world with a power index of 0.0453. The United States is known as a strong military country. They have an active military personnel of 1,390,000.

The United States also has many military bases scattered around the world such as Guam, Hawaii or other small countries. Its purpose is to oversee the military activities it conducts.

The United States military force is supported by military ground vehicles such as 6,289 tanks, 1,456 mobile artillery units, 2,740 cranes, and 39,353 armored vehicles.

Besides ground forces, the United States’ own naval power is also the largest in the world with 20 aircraft carriers.

2. Russia

Russia is the largest country in the world. This means that this country needs a lot of military forces to protect its territory. This condition led to Russia becoming the second country with the strongest military in the world with a score of 0.0501.

Their military strength is also backed up by capable weaponry. Indeed, Russia has many military weapons manufacturing companies that enhance the strength of this country.

3. China

China ranks third as the country with the strongest military in the world. This indicates that in addition to its increasingly advanced technology, its military strength continues to grow.

One of the best steps for the Chinese military is to cooperate with their state-owned defense companies to use the latest technology in their military. China is also the country with the most active staff in the world.

This means that China has many military vehicles with technology capable of supporting their country’s strength. In the assessment conducted, China received a score of 0.0511.

4. India

India has managed to occupy the fourth position as the strongest country in the world and the second in the Asian continent. India gets high points because this country has the highest number of military transports in the world, among others; 4,730 tanks, 4,040 crane artillery units and 542 fighter aircraft.

So far, India is still active in military actions, especially on the country’s border with Pakistan which is experiencing many conflicts. India is ranked fourth as the strongest country in the world with a score of 0.0979 points.

5. Japan

Japan is a country that is not too big and its military personnel are not as large as those of the previous four countries. However, Japan has managed to prove that it is capable of ranking as the fifth strongest country in the world.

This is inseparable from the commitment and mindset of the Japanese people to work as hard as possible and backed by the advanced technology at their disposal. The Japanese military relies on the strength of its land, air and sea forces. Japan is in fifth place with 0.1195 points.

These are some of the most powerful countries in the world that have military strength. Based on the same assessment, Indonesia is ranked number 15 with 0.2251 points.

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