Dipavali: At the Saint-Gilles theatre, music, dance and gastronomy go hand in hand

The Indian Arts Festival opens Tuesday night at the outdoor theater. Through Thursday, people will enjoy music, dance and cuisine from India.

Among Indian artists:
VP Dhananjayans and Shanta Dhanajayans The couple has been dubbed as “India's legendary divine dancing couple” P. Unnikrishnan has sung in many famous Indian films
Jayashree Ramnath is one of the new dominant figures in Indian classical music. She was nominated for an Oscar this year, in the best original song category, for “Pi Lullaby” from Ang Lee's film Life of Pi (The Odyssey of Pi).
Shankar Tucker is an American clarinetist and composer. He rose to fame through his online music series, “The ShrutiBox” on Youtube channel.
South African artists and of course those from Reunion will also perform

In a photo with Jean-Regis Ramsamy and Alix Catherine
In an interview

  • Patrick Firdauer
  • Logambal Cavery, organizer of the Indian Arts Festival
  • Verushka Patheri, choreographer

Indian Arts Festival Program at TEAT Plein Air

Tuesday 21 October 2014 : ORIGINAL INDIA
18:45: Official opening of the festival: speeches, dance and music (India-South Africa-US-Reunion)
8:00 p.m.: Concert by P. Unnikrishnan (South Indian music)
21:15: Folk Dance (Meeting)
21:30: Concert by Bombay Jayashree accompanied by renowned flautist, Ronu Majumdar. (South and North Indian music)

Wednesday 22 October 2014: TRADITIONAL INDIA
19.00: Opening night 2 of the festival
19:15: Concert of the music troupe Sri Karthiegasen Pillay from South Africa, with the participation of Nila Souprayen-Cavéry from Kalâ Bhaaskara (Reunion).
20:30: The dance drama “Shakti”, “feminine power”) is directed and choreographed by Verushka Pather (South Africa) and Logambal Souprayen-Cavery (Réunion). The choreography and music creation will be performed by dancers and musicians from South Africa and Reunion Island. It was presented in South Africa in July 2014 and will also tour in Mauritius and India.

Thursday, October 23, 2014: INDIAN VILLAGE AND INDIAN FUSION
19.00: Opening night of the festival
19:15: Dance Drama: “Aikya Bharatam” is a performance that offers a tour around India through traditional classical and folk dance scenes specific to each region of India, performed by artists, musicians and dancers from Reunion (kalâ bhaaskara and other Reunion associations). , India (Bharata Kalanjali). Training feedback.
21:00: Fusion Music (Reunion)
21:15: Modern Indian/Jazz fusion concert with Shankar Tucker (USA) and his musicians from the US, India and Italy

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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