Developing health tourism, Yogyakarta focuses on medical and wellness tourism

TEMPO.CO, Yogyakarta – Yogyakarta Steps to Pioneer and Grow health tourism Where health tourism conical. Indonesian Hospital Association (Persi) Special Region Yogyakarta (DIY) Chairman Darwito revealed from the branch health tourism Therefore, two service lines are targeted for development.

“Especially the service wellness tourism and Medical tourismhim,” said Darwito, Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

Medical tourism or medical tourism aims to minimize the number of Indonesian people seeking treatment abroad and to make Indonesia a medical tourism destination for foreign tourists. Whereas wellness tourism or fitness tourism aims to make Indonesia a destination The well-being and make Indonesia a producer of products The well-being.

Service health tourism The offer can focus on pathologies with a large number of patients, which are costly and which become the treatment objective for patients seeking treatment abroad.

Darwito, who is also director of the teaching hospital (RSA) of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), said that working on two axes health tourism this is one of them intensify exposure or public exposure. Like what was done in the health tourism expo from October 28 to 30 at Pakuwon Mall Yogyakarta.

At this event, PERSI DIY collaborated with Indonesian Medical Health Tourism Association (PERKEDWI) and Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) DIY to showcase various hospital profiles in Yogya, especially hospitals with full accreditation who provide health tourism services with sophisticated medical equipment without leaving traditional health services.

“Thus, the health tourism that has been launched can be more and more widely known to the public, including local content health products based on local culture, so the level of health tourism visits to Yogya will increase. “Darwito said.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno also highlighted health tourism this while speaking at a health tourism webinar organized by University Health System (AHS) UGM Yogyakarta in late October 2022. Sandiaga said health tourism has become a major attraction in a number of countries including Indonesia.

The government also has four axes for the development of health tourism or tourism health tourism this. “To concentrate health tourism These are medical tourism, fitness tourism, sports tourism and scientific health tourism,” Sandiaga said.

Read also: Health tourism in Bali, tourists can try acupuncture, prana to taste healthy food

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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