Demos condemn Nupur Sharma for insulting the Prophet, PA 212 threatens to expel Indian ambassador


Masses belonging to the Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI), Brotherhood of Elders (PA) 212 and GNPF-Ulama staged a protest at the Embassy India criticize indian politicians Nupur Sharma insult to the prophet Muhammad. The crowd threatened to expel the Indian ambassador from Indonesia.

“I request the Indian Ambassador to leave Indonesia from tomorrow. Please, bye Byeleave Indonesia before we force you all back to India with our hands,” said PA Council Secretary 212 Syuro Slamet Maarif during a command car speech, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Friday (6/17/2022).

He called asking if the mass protesters were ready to expel the Indian ambassador from Indonesia. Slamet also threatened to remove the Indian flag.

“I don’t think the Indian Ambassador’s office Contract. I want to force the flag down huh Contract! Don’t contract!” he said.

“Ready to expel the Indian ambassador? shouted Slamet.

“Ready,” answered the crowd.

The action mace appears to bear a number of attributes. They carried flags bearing the words monotheism, banners and posters protesting the statements of Indian politicians Nupur Sharma considered insulting to the Prophet Muhammad.

“Stop the Indian Muslim Genocide,” reads the banner.

“There is no tolerance for insults to the Prophet Muhammad,” he wrote.

Police officers were seen guarding the area. Metro Police Chief Setiabudi Kompol Agung Permana said 600 people had been deployed to guard the protest outside the Indian Embassy.

“There are 600 prepared people,” said Kompol Agung.

Watch the video ‘FPI-PA 212 Mass at the Indian Embassy’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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