Decoration. Sées agricultural school, an establishment facing the world

The agricultural high school welcomed the Argentinian delegation for several days. Indian students will also come in January for ten weeks. ©L’Orne Hebdo

Agricultural college Look (decorate) opened its doors overseas. A a delegation of three Argentinians, from the National University of Santiago del Estero, arrived a few days ago at the Sagian establishment. Before departing Thursday, November 24th.

“Discover French farming”

They are an English teacher, Natalia Tatarczuk, a professor of animal production, Magdalena Pinto, and a 19-year-old student, Agustin Avila. “In the program: technical and cultural visits then meetings with Norman students. Partnership based on reciprocity”, explains Marie Levagueresse, teacher at the agricultural school. In 2023, an agricultural high school BTS student would do the opposite.

For Agustin who intends to take over the farm, this visit is very important. “I wanted to discover the agricultural aspect of France. So I asked to attend high school milking cows. »

But also Spain, Czech Republic, India…

If the Americas were the first for the Sées agricultural school, other excursions are already embedded in the school curriculum of many students. Bac senior pro will go, before the end of the year, to Brussels. The STAV terminal has played a part, for many years, in residential languages Spanish with, besides language practice, various cultural inventions such as rice, citrus fruits, olive oil or wine.

“We have also launched a call for a project study trip to the Auschwitz camp proposed by Shoah Memorial and Normandy County. ”

Marie Levavagueresse, teacher at the agricultural school

GPN BTS students also have a project within the framework of international cooperation in the Black Forest, in spring 2023. Depending on the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine, BTS DATR may go to Czech Republic in June 2023.

Finally, the Indian delegation based in Perpignan will arrive in France in late January 2023 with a week-long reception in France. “After that, Indian students will stay in France for ten weeks. We can be asked to be a host school. »

Still with the partnership idea, French students can go to India in August 2023 for four weeks to GP Puant University in Pantnagar.

Video: currently on Actu

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Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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