Dangers of excessive exercise for people over 40

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Experts have often pointed out the importance of exercising to maintain good physical and mental health. Along with losing weight, regular exercise is also important for maintaining overall health, but how often is exercise recommended? Although very important for health, excessive exercise proven to be detrimental.

sport overdoing it can lead to muscle tension and postural imbalances,” said Shrey Srivastav, an internal medicine specialist in India, as quoted by the Indian Express.

“Some people lift very heavy weights during strength training, this can cause PIVD, spinal disc prolapse, because bodybuilding heavy. Sometimes too much exercise can also cause the tendon to rupture which causes excruciating pain for a long time,” he added.

He pointed out that excessive exercise can be much more detrimental to people who are not used to it. “This will lead to ventilation-perfusion mismatch leading to sudden cardiac arrest,” he said.

The effects of excessive exercise will be much more harmful for people over 40, the expert said. “When they exercise too much, they may suffer from intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, they should be more careful about exercising too intensely.

What kind of exercise should they do? According to Srivastav, “There are two types of exercises – isometric and isotonic. In isometric, the duration of the exercise remains the same and in isotonic, the tension remains the same. Isometric exercises are good for the health of people over age 40. They have to choose cardio training.

Isometrics is strength training by contracting the muscles statically without moving the bone joints.

Obese people in poor health are also at risk, as they can cause tendon tears, cardiac arrest or brain bleeds when exercising excessively. Thus, they are advised to do isometric exercises to lose weight and build muscle, rather than lifting heavy weights.

Also read: Don’t force your body to exercise too much, know the signs and side effects

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Cheryl Tenny

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