Crisis summit with Faeser: SPD Minister for safer home countries | political

The situation is serious: the SPD is now also moving towards tightening asylum rules!

The state SPD interior ministers met on Wednesday for an hour in a conference room with Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (53, SPD). They make a 10-point decision that will then spark debate at the traffic lights.

Because: SPD state ministers want to identify safer countries of origin – including the Maghreb countries (including Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Western Sahara). This will make deportation to affected areas easier.

The key point of traffic lights: The Green Party opposes them

Declaring the Maghreb states as safe is a very interesting thing that has been discussed many times at state and federal level over the years – and so far the Green Party in particular has stood in the way of it. After some hesitation, they agreed that Georgia and Moldova would be designated as safe countries of origin, but they always ignored the Maghreb. Especially in Algeria, the human rights situation is too problematic, party leader Omid Nouripour (48, Green Party) told “Tagesschau” in early September.

In addition, at the end of September, SPD co-leader Saskia Esken (62) rejected the FDP’s request to designate the Maghreb states as safe states. The coalition only agreed to declare Georgia and Moldova as safe countries of origin, Esken told “Zeit online” two weeks ago; This does not apply to Maghreb countries. He also contradicted FDP Secretary General Bijan Djir-Sarai (47), who stated that only the Green Party at the traffic lights opposed the classification.

Now the SPD state interior ministers are sending a clear signal to their coalition partners and taking action from the Green Party. This could also lead to discord in countries ruled by red-green. On the contrary, the European Union should like the move because it meets their demands.

In recent months, states, counties, cities and towns have repeatedly issued warnings: In many places, reception capacity has been exhausted and there is a lack of space and money to accommodate more refugees.

Andy Grote (55), Hamburg Interior Senator and also spokesman for the SPD-led interior department, explained: “What is important now is rational and targeted action. Ignoring the negative impacts of high levels of irregular migration or the denigration of refugees by far-right groups will not help in solving this problem.”

More border controls

SPD interior ministers also have high hopes for border control.

We support “the intensive efforts of the Federal Government and the Federal Minister of the Interior to effectively stem irregular migration (…) on the route from Slovakia via the Czech Republic and Poland to Germany through additional measures mutually agreed with the countries concerned,” we said . the third point of this paper.

Ministers: “The introduction of new border controls between Poland, the Czech Republic and Austria with Slovakia is an important success.”

In addition, the SPD Minister of Home Affairs committed to “speeding up the immigration immigration process” (point 8). To do this, the BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) “must be in a position to ensure that the desired asylum application is submitted within two weeks of entry to the reception center and heard within four weeks”. The aim is to avoid asylum seekers being distributed to cities before they have their hearings.

However: To work faster, BAMF needs more staff.

Ambrose Fernandez

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