Creative Indians, villagers become Youtubers

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A village called Kampung Youtube India because some of its citizens work as YouTubers. YouTubers come from a variety of backgrounds, even seniors.

Tulsi village, Raipur city, India is known as the YouTube village of India. At least about one thousand out of three thousand citizens are YouTubers who run about 40 YouTuber channels.

“On the YouTube channel, we make comedy videos, song-based programs, and racing videos. You’ll find all types of artists here. That’s why this village is known as the YouTuber village,” said YouTuber Aditya Vaghil in the uploaded video. South China Morning Post.

There, YouTubers have become a profession, not just a hobby or a side hustle. Some creators are full-time creators. Some of them even earn three times more than their previous job.

Chetan Nayak, a YouTuber, said that in almost every corner of the village you can find people creating content. It’s not just young people, there are also older people who are becoming YouTubers.

In Tulsi, the youngest designer is 15, while the oldest is an 85-year-old grandmother.

The early history of Tulsi as an Indian YouTube village stems from the success story of two friends, Gyanendra Shukla and Jai Verma. Verma said other residents started creating video content after being inspired by him and Shukla.

“I have a masters degree in chemistry. I used to work as a part-time teacher and had a training institute. At the beginning, I received 12 to 15,000 rupees per month. Now we receive 30 to 35,000 rupees per month,” Verma told ANI.

YouTuber Pinki Sahu admits he has been creating video content for a year and a half. He said everyone participated in the content creation, including Eve. This possibility is also used by women to leave the house.

“Women here are usually not allowed to leave the house, but through our YouTube channel we give them a lot of information about how women can do things too,” she said.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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