Create Clean Sport, POMNas XVII UNP Involve Anti-Doping Team

Dr. Asep Sujana Wahyuri., M.Pd at the XVII POMNas Press Conference at the 4th floor of the UNP Rectorate (f/dano) – In a few hours events National level student sports will be held in West Sumatra. Padang State University (UNP), University of Andalas (UNAND) and Padang Polytechnic Academy of Industrial Technology (ATI) have been chosen to host the XVII National Student Sports Week (POMNas).

All Indonesian students will compete for medals and champions in various sports (Cabor). A total of 14 sports will be contested in this competition.

A number of preparations have been made by the hosts, in order to create a match which remains exciting, competitive and respects sportsmanship. How to raise the bar premises that will be used, bring in referees who are at least national level, in collaboration with the Indonesian Anti-Doping Organization (IADO).

During a press conference on Thursday (16/11), West Sumatra POMNas Secretary, Dr. Asep Sujana Wahyuri, M.Pd. said IADO has two areas to prevent the use of this banned substance, namely education and testing (test).

In the area of ​​education, the IADO will provide introductory material on the dangers of doping and the risks of doping for athletes. Similar to testing, IADO will detect if an athlete uses underhanded methods using hazardous substances to improve the quality of their competition.

In its presentation, Asep indicated that the two areas covered by IADO would use stand with the aim of educating athletes about doping and the systematic test will take place after the game.

“Whether testnya, when he (athlete) final, then compete, to end, we were immediately led by the (anti-doping) team, to the anti-doping room. I will be asked later, do you want to do a doping test now or wait a bit,” he said.

He also indicated that the use of doping tests requires a lot of money and is practiced in measured sports.

“So we prioritize in measured branches, because in measured sports there is a possibility of breaking a record. Because the doping test turned out to be expensive. The sample was sent to Thailand, then there is also the possibility of going to India or Canada, generally to Thailand which is the closest,” he added.

Also, the secretary of West Sumatra POMNas said that this institution could not have interfered in his work.

“The Anti-Doping Agency really has an SOP that we can’t interfere with. The room design, which is in this room, is really a rigid SOP,” he concluded.

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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