Confessions of Indian Muslims accused of breaking levees to flood ‘Jihad’

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

One of the inhabitants India who lives in the state of Assam is accused of having carried out a “jihad against the floods” because he is a Muslim, and of having caused floods in the region.

Nazir Hussain Laskar shared this tragic story. He was confused when Indian police knocked on his door on July 3. He was arrested for damaging the embankment and causing flooding.

“I spent 16 years working for the government building levees. Why did I break it?” he said he was quoted BBC.

In prison, social media was abuzz about “Flood Jihad”. Netizens accused Laskar, and three other Muslims, of being the cause of the floods.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

“I have been accused of ‘flood jihad’ because I am a Muslim. This is wrong. Those who spread this are doing a very bad thing,” Laskar said.

A number of social media users blamed the cause of the flooding on human activities.

Specifically, they said a group of Muslim men deliberately flooded the town of Silchar damaging the embankment. The majority of the population of this city is Hindu.

“I was scared and couldn’t sleep that night. Other inmates were talking about it. I thought I was going to be attacked,” he said.

Floods in Assam kill 192 people


Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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