Come on, learn sports leadership

By: Franky Congratulations*

THE WEEK, May 15, 2022. One day and two dramas for the Indonesian sports world. The Thomas Cup team have yet to successfully defend their title. Lost 0-3 to India. Only seven months from the Thomas Cup at the hands of Indonesia. Fly to India, the giant killer surprises.

In another sport at the 31st Sea Games in Hanoi, Vietnam, the Indonesian national football team valiantly beat Myanmar 3-1 and advanced to the semi-finals. Indonesian football can now breathe a sigh of relief. Asa won the wide open gold medal.

Behind the frenzy of a tumultuous match, can you imagine the team and staff working to prepare the players to be ready to appear and win the game? Or how the team coach or team leader behind the players struggle in midfield?

Also read: Elon Musk, global leadership and its impact on Indonesia

Leadership researchers suggest similarities in how a business leader (Entrepreneur) manage the business with the team so that it is competitive with the coaching team (sports leader) prepare athletes to be competitive in competition.

Leadership (leadership) in the sports world can be a reflection for business leaders. There are things that can be applied, which will increase competitiveness.

The quality of leadership for a leader lies in his ability to influence the team he leads to follow directions and actions so that the vision and mission set are achieved. A conventional manager focuses more on ensuring that activities are carried out according to the applicable procedures and rules.

chief (chief) the ideal always brings a change for the better with a series of innovative breakthroughs that the leader had never thought of before. At the same time, an effective manager must be able to ensure the stability of the company in the face of the “turbulences” which disturb the managed company.

Leaders and managers are two different types. The world of sport which involves personnel in the team cannot be separated from leadership which is usually led by a or team leader.

The difference between a sports leader and a business leader

Gordon (2007) distinguishes between business leaders and sports leaders in six aspects.

First, sports leaders are involved in most team building but only occasionally when building a team. In contrast, business leaders are more often involved in building teams than in building and coaching teams. In short, sports leaders focus more on coaching while business leaders focus on team building.

Second, sports leaders always try to choose the best players for the team. Although business leaders rarely check the skills of staff on the job, they may not be the best team members.

Read also: 10 types of leadership in 2022 that potential leaders need to know!

Third, in general, sports leaders manipulate or manage people better. Leaders cannot easily fire much-needed talent. There is always the hope that the coaching will produce the desired goals. There is a process there. Instead, business leaders shoot or “shoot” at will through officials authorized in writing or with a warning procedure.

Fourth, sports leaders get rid of “energy thieves” (negative types) or at least try to keep them away from other talented players so that they are not “contaminated” with bad influences. While entrepreneurs are not easy to do and rarely even do.

Fifthsports leaders increasingly engage in activities that generate norms and expectations to establish values-based behavior (“team rules”) while business leaders rarely do so despite “encouragement “croissants received from business consultants.

Final, sports leaders are regularly involved in the identification and development of talent because real talent is so rare but so essential to success. While for business leaders, this is only possible for senior executives, but rarely at lower levels.


Burnes and O’Donnell (2011) share their views on leadership in business and sport. First, effective leadership is equally important in both areas. Leadership is a major determinant of success in business and sport.

Second, there seem to be areas where sports leaders seem to have the upper hand over their business partners, especially in terms of developing the full potential of teams and individuals. Sports leaders try to develop all the potential that exists even if the existing resources are not favorable.

Thirdthe world of sport offers a holistic approach to leadership development, which goes beyond the approach of most management and leadership development programs.

Final, there seem to be four general aspects in the sports and business leadership literature: first, the character or personal traits required for a successful leader; second, the capacities needed to develop skills; third, the leadership context in order to understand the situation and react quickly and appropriately; and fourth, the leadership challenge of the need for continuous change.

In the world of sports, three actors play a role, namely players (actors), coaches (leaders) and referees (regulators). Each of them fulfilled their duties to ensure that the match went off without a hitch, and of course sportsmanship remained the main key. The loser with sportsmanship recognizes the superiority of the opponent. Those who win do not then become arrogant and proud.

Does sportsmanship apply in business, if indeed the competitor is superior and then admits “defeat” because the competitor is better?

The conclusion does not mean that business leaders follow what leaders do in sports, and vice versa. Everyone has positive things that can be imitated and applied.

Business competition, often unhealthy, sometimes requires refreshing learning. Thoughtful business leaders will certainly take many good examples from competition in the sports world. Behind the thrilling and heartwarming match, there are many lessons to learn.

* Frangky Selamat is a permanent lecturer in the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, University of Tarumanagara (Untar).

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Cheryl Tenny

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