China’s ruling Xi Jinping: What does his inauguration mean for NRW? – News

Why is Xi’s re-election special?

General elections are held in China every five years. Under current law, incumbents were previously limited to two consecutive terms. Xi Jinping was first elected General Secretary of the Communist Party in November 2012 – which also means the office of head of state. In 2017 he was elected a second time – and 2023 will actually be the end for him.

But in early 2018, the National People’s Congress, at Xi’s instigation, decided to overturn this rule. At the time, observers agreed that Xi wanted to ensure he could continue to rule beyond 2023 to further expand his power.

What does development in China mean for the economies of Germany and NRW?

The People’s Republic of China is one of Germany’s most important trading partners and export countries – including North Rhine-Westphalia. As of October 2021, NRW’s Ministry of Economic Affairs reports trade volumes with China are around 44 billion euros per year. About 1,200 Chinese companies are based here, and last year alone more than 40 new companies were added. The “topics of the future” are above all areas of artificial intelligence, electromobility, intelligent logistics and biotechnology.

Ambrose Fernandez

"Subtly charming web junkie. Unapologetic bacon lover. Introvert. Typical foodaholic. Twitter specialist. Professional travel fanatic."

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