China rolls out a new map – and moves its borders with Russia

China is actually considered an ally of Russian ruler Vladimir Putin.Image: Kremlin’s Sputnik Pool / Sergei Bobylev


Rebecca Sawicki

In the past, China and Russia have often given the impression that they are very close. Chinese President Xi Jinping is considered one of the few allies of Russian ruler Vladimir Putin. Relationships are likely to get a little worse at this point.

Chinese media published a new map of the People’s Republic of China in the last week of August China deployment – ​​India then spoke up as China may have moved its own border. But the People’s Republic of China is not only developing in the direction of India, but obviously also in the direction of the sovereign territory of Russia.

A process that should infuriate Putin. Its brutal war of aggression in Ukraine finally expressing clearly what his territorial notion of his country is. But in the case of the Chinese card, he remained very calm. Experts have a theory why this can happen.

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China and Russia as close allies?

Still available in February 2022 Russia and China signed a partnership agreement. However, at the same time, China also called for a peaceful settlement of the war. In early August, the Institute of War Studies think tank found that China’s neutral stance on the Ukraine war had caused a rift between the two partners. Border shifts are likely to further increase this.

This is how Mark Katz, Professor at George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Governance, classifies this situation. In a conversation with the news portal “News Weekhe explained:

“The Kremlin pays close attention to Chinese maps – especially official maps – which claim that Russian territory actually belongs to China.”

However, Katz said, Putin is not currently in a position to complain out loud. Reasons from an expert point of view: Due to Western sanctions, Russia is dependent on economic relations with China.

The new Chinese map has now completely assigned the island, which is called Heixiazi Dao in Chinese and Bolshoi Ussuriyski in Russian and lies on the Amur River, to China. Spicy: the island was traditionally Chinese sovereignty until the Soviet Union occupied it in 1929. In 2004, the Russian Federation agreed to return the western part of the island.

China uses maps to show authority and power, David Silbey of Cornell University in Washington told Newsweek. This new card, said the expert, does not violate the Russia-China deal – but is a stab at Russia and annoyance to the president.

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