China, India refrain from condemning Russia’s annexation of Ukrainian territory

A UN Security Council resolution condemning Russia’s annexation of four Ukrainian territories failed to pass on Friday (30 September) because Russia vetoed it. Of the body’s fifteen member states – five permanent members and ten elected to two-year terms – ten voted to condemn this decision, which was announced the same day by Vladimir Putin. Four abstained, and not a few: China, India, Brazil and Gabon.

The draft text, seen by AFP, condemns “the so-called illegal referendum” held a few days earlier in the Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporijja and Kherson regions, in eastern and southern Ukraine. They can’t “no validity” also not “to serve as the basis for changing the status of these areas”, the document says.

Putin vows to defend Russia against Western “neocolonial system”

This draft resolution, prepared by the United States and Albania, calls on all other countries and organizations “to disown pseudo annexation” of the four regions. He also demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops “immediately, completely and unconditionally”. The document will be submitted to a vote of the United Nations General Assembly in the coming days, where each country has a veto power and no veto power but the resolution is non-binding.

Russia, not really alone

While Russia’s veto in the Security Council is unquestionable, all eyes are on China, which is officially neutral but has provided significant political and economic support to Russia since the start of the war in Ukraine on February 24.

He finally abstained on Friday. “Any action by the Security Council should promote an amelioration of the situation and resolution of the crisis, rather than intensifying conflict and exacerbating confrontation.”, Chinese Ambassador Zhang Jun commented. However, he reiterated that Beijing defends its sovereignty and territorial integrity. “From all countries”.

“Russia is more alone than ever”, estimates the French ambassador Nicolas de Riviere. A comment that needs to be qualified. “Russia is not alone as the West wants it to be”said Richard Gowan, analyst at the NGO International Crisis Group. “The large number of abstentions suggests that the observed fatigue regarding Ukraine is still at a high level”he added.

→ To read also Mobilization in Russia: “Between war and prison, I made my choice”

In the spring, the General Assembly voted for three resolutions regarding the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the third at the end of April which resulted in the erosion of international unity vis–vis Moscow. On March 2, during the historic first ballot, 141 countries had condemned the Russian invasion, five countries voted against (Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea), 35 abstained.

On March 24, the Assembly called for unhindered humanitarian access and protection of civilians in Ukraine: 140 votes in favor, five against (same) and 38 countries abstaining. As of April 7, only 93 countries supported Russia’s suspension from the UN Human Rights Council, with 24 votes against and 58 abstentions.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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