Category: Health

Is Xi Jinping seriously ill?

Home page policy Was standing: September 13, 2023, 3:16 a.m. From: Sven Hauberg Divide His absence from the G20 summit in India raises questions: Is Xi Jinping seriously ill? The media suggests so, but there are reasons to doubt it.

Is Xi Jinping seriously ill?

Home page policy Was standing: September 12, 2023, 1:59 a.m. From: Sven Hauberg Divide Last Friday, Xi Jinping visited a military unit in Harbin, northern China. However, the Chinese head of state and party did not attend the G20 summit

A doctor and a religious on the way to holiness

Eighty years ago, Sr. Dr. Mary Glowrey JMJ, physician and missionary born and educated in Australia, India’s largest non-governmental healthcare network. It is now called the Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) and comprises over 3,500 medical and social services