Breakthrough in Brussels: EU approves asylum reform | political

Finally an agreement on an asylum agreement!

According to information from diplomatic circles, EU interior ministers voted for the crisis mechanism with a qualified majority. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (53, SPD) also approved the pact.

Only Poland and Hungary rejected the Spanish President’s compromise proposal.

There has been disagreement within the traffic light administration about the plan for months. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (42, Green Party) took a special stance because she was concerned that asylum rights would be harmed. Only on Wednesday Chancellor Olaf Scholz (65, SPD) stated: the government “will not stand in the way” of a compromise from Spain. Rum. Clear the way for an asylum agreement.

BILD mentions the most important points of the reform:

Asylum procedures at the border

Reform must make this possible FOR THE FIRST TIME Asylum procedures already carried out directly at the EU’s external borders.

For this purpose, asylum centers should be established near the borders. There, security officers check the identity of people seeking protection (the technical term is “screening”).

TARGET: To prevent migrants who have little chance of being accepted into the EU. Families with minor children should also seek shelter at these centers.

Annalena Baerbock must obey the Chancellor’s words regarding power in the cabinet


Prison-like conditions

However, these so-called “external border procedures” may only be used for people coming from countries that have an average EU recognition rate of less than 20 percent (e.g. Turkey, India, Tunisia, Serbia or Albania). Your asylum application must be examined at these centers.

They could supposedly be held there for up to twelve weeks – it was expressly stated – “in prison-like conditions”. Anyone who has no prospect of gaining asylum should be sent home.

The Green Party has called for families with children to be spared prison-like conditions. According to Minister Faeser, “there is no majority” in the Home Council. They will also have to go through controversial external border procedures in the future.

So far, what often happens is that migrants are sent from abroad directly to Germany, and rarely are they returned to their host country or even their country of origin.

Greece: Four asylum seekers have crossed the border between Turkey and Greece and followed the highway on foot

Greece: Four asylum seekers have crossed the border between Turkey and Greece and followed the highway on foot

Photo: image alliance/NurPhoto/Nicolas Economou

New distribution

Future recognized asylum seekers should be among them Internal EU countries are distributed voluntarily within the framework of the “solidarity mechanism”. However, the number of people seeking protection must be determined based on quotas. Countries that don’t want this will have to pay money for every refugee they don’t accept – namely 20,000 euros.

Ambrose Fernandez

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