Bollywood workout: what Indian method promises a flat stomach in just a few weeks?

And if we are inspired by bollywood dance moves sculpt a flat, muscular stomach? Anyway, this is what the famous method straight from India has to offer: bollywood practice. Highlighted by CosmopolitanThis activity, which combines dance and cardio, is a fun way to strengthen your abs and burn belly fat. The idea was to reproduce a series of moves from classical Indian dance specifically targeting the abs, arms, but also the legs.

Bollywood practice: how to practice it?

Practicing regularly, these unusual and fun sports sessions will allow you to observe results in just a few weeks. And for good reason, this one is included twisting and twisting motion which will allow you to work on the obliques, as well jumping and bending movements of interest to transversals.

Mainly energetic, the Bollywood workout remains a cardio activity, ideal for burning calories without feeling like doing it. It is in this sense that it will suit everyone, including the most inexperienced athletes, who will be able to adapt workouts and measure difficulty according to their level and physical condition.

If it’s possible to practice them in group lessons at a specific gym, there are also plenty of tutorials on the Web to learn the joys of Indian dance from home. So that your business can be seen quickly, it is recommended to do this activity at least three times a week. Of course, this is in line with the establishment of a healthier and more balanced diet. And you have a firmer stomach and a defined waist!

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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