Blue Giant, an animated film based on the manga by Shinichi Ishizuka and directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa, was released in Indian cinemas on March 24, 2024.
The film completed its run within a week, earning ₹5.5 lakh (~$6,600) at the domestic box office, according to IGN India sources.
Considering that Blue Giant had a limited release on just 45 screens in Tier 1 cities and was a standalone film not tied to a popular anime franchise, these are quite low numbers. However, a wider release could give the film a different outcome. Similar numbers were also seen at the launch of Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Venturing Out in India.
The following is the official synopsis for Blue Giant:
Dai Miyamoto's life changed when he discovered jazz music. He picked up a tenor saxophone and practiced every day. After leaving his hometown of Sendai, he pursued a music career in Tokyo with the help of his friend Shunji. One day, Dai plays with passion and heart and convinces talented pianist Yukinori to start a band together. Together with Shunji, a novice drummer, they formed the trio JASS. With each live performance, they get closer to their dream of playing at So Blue, Japan's most famous jazz club, in hopes of changing the world of jazz forever.
Based on the manga by Shinichi Ishizuka, Blue Giant by Yuzuru Tachikawa is a moving ode to the power of jazz with original music by HIROMI.
In our 8/10 review of Blue Giant, we described the film as “a love letter to jazz, telling the story of an unlikely trio becoming a successful group in this particular genre while going through various trials and tribulations.”
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Rayan Sayyed is an editor for IGN India and focuses primarily on Asian entertainment ranging from anime, manga, games to Eastern films and dramas. You can contact him at [email protected] or find it on Twitter @rayanaver and Instagram @rayansayyed.