Indian troops withdraw from Maldives

[–> Indien muss im Ringen um Einfluss­zonen im Indischen Ozean mit seinem Nachbarn China einen Rückschlag hinnehmen. Nachdem die dortige Regierung ein Ultimatum gestellt hatte, hat Indien alle seine auf den Malediven stationierten Truppen abgezogen. [–> Der Rückzug der bis

PM Modi votes in his home state

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is currently seeking a third term in office in general elections, cast his vote on Tuesday, amid criticism from the opposition who accused him of denigrating the Muslim minority group. Modi left a polling

Hottest Tech News, Networking During Eid to eSIM

Jakarta: summarizes the most popular technology news or most read news from Sunday, April 7, 2024 that readers may have missed. Below, presents a summary of each of the most popular technology news stories, accompanied by accessible