Bhutan’s young king, queen and heir fly to London for Elizabeth II’s funeral

On September 16, Queen Jetsun Pema joined her husband in India, with their eldest son, Crown Prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck. The King, Queen and Crown Prince of Bhutan then flew to London, where they were expected to attend Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.

Read also: King and Queen of Bhutan Pay their respects to Queen Elizabeth II

King Jigme Khesar Wangchuck secures several engagements in India before leaving

King Jigme Khesar Wangchuck, 42, traveled to India on September 14 for an official visit to the country. He especially has appointments with the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. The King of Bhutan and the Prime Minister discuss the main cooperation agreement between their two countries.

King Jigme Khesar Wangchuck meets Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on September 14 (Photo: Bhutan’s Royal Family Household)

On September 15, the 5th Dragon King of the Wangchuck Dynasty met with Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. In the afternoon, the sultan visited the Bhutan Embassy in Delhi. There he met with the ambassador and discussed with embassy employees.

Meeting between the King of Bhutan and the Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Photo: Bhutanese Royal Household)

Read also: Queen Elizabeth’s four children guard her coffin at Westminster Hall: Prince Andrew finds his uniform for the care of these princes

Queen Jetsun Pema visits India with Crown Prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck

On September 16, the king finally found his wife. Queen Jetsun Pema, 32, flew to New Delhi. He departed from Paro airport with their eldest son, the dragon prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck. The 6-year-old heir to the throne is attending more and more public events. For example, from September 6 to 12, the young prince accompanied his parents on a tour of all the dzongkhags (provinces) in southern Bhutan.

Queen Jetsun Pema flew from Paro Airport to join the King in Delhi and then flew to London (Photo: Bhutan Royal Household)

From New Delhi, the Bhutanese royal family flew to London. They are expected to attend Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday 19 September. On September 18, the new King Charles III had a grand reception in front of all the Heads of State who had traveled. It is not known if the young heir will also attend the funeral at Westminster Abbey. The Head of State is in principle instructed to come only accompanied by his husband or wife. As for rulers, like Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, they can be accompanied by their heirs.

The Bhutanese royal couple have a second son, Prince Jigme Ungyen Wangchuck. Prince is only two years old and he is not on his way. At the announcement of Elizabeth II’s death, the King of Bhutan said “Through his tireless selfless service to his people, His Majesty will always be remembered for the wisdom, grace, dignity and strength he personified”. He pointed out that the loss “Queen Elizabeth II marks the end of an era”. They also paid religious homage to the queen by lighting butter lamps at prayer places as they concluded their tour of the country’s south.

Nicholas Fontaine

Chief editor

Nicolas Fontaine has been a freelance web editor since 2014. Having been a copywriter and writer for various Belgian and French brands and media, he specializes in royalty news. Nicolas is now the editor-in-chief of Histoires royales. [email protected]

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