behind the crisis, the persecution continues

Worship at Zion Church in Sri Lanka was the target of attacks in 2019.

Amid the economic and political crisis in Sri Lanka, persecution continues, as illustrated by recent attacks on Christian marriages.

Sri Lanka is currently experiencing an unprecedented economic and political crisis, with the President’s resignation expected today. The country’s economy has not yet recovered from the pandemic and jihadist attacks affecting the tourism sector. In this problematic context, Christians continue to suffer for their faith. Following the example of believers in the north of the country, who just wanted to get married.

“Stop the Christian songs!”

Pastor Charles (pseudonym) is celebrating the wedding of 2 members of his immediate family. Suddenly, an uninvited villager walked into the wedding hall and shouted, “Stop playing those Christian songs, I demand the traditional Tamil songs!” Seeing that he didn’t make it, he tore off the decorations and started breaking the furniture. The Reverend Charles’ brother intervened and was viciously attacked.

Police arrived on the scene after the villagers had left and had little to say about what had just happened. They only advised the priest to file a complaint.

Charles went to the police station with his brother. On the way home, as night fell, the priest and his brother were surrounded by about fifteen people. The attackers were armed with metal bars and sticks and they started beating 2 Christians. They had to be rushed to the hospital.

God Is Present Despite Persecution

The pastor’s brother suffered several fractures. He operated for 4 hours. Charles, meanwhile, has bruises all over his body, 13 stitches to his forehead and is severely traumatized. He had anxiety attacks at nightfall and never left his house.

In Sri Lanka, Christians are attacked and harassed across the country. But as Brother André points out, “Jesus’ ministry did not change when circumstances changed.” God, who was present before the crisis, will continue to support His children despite the persecution. Our local partners were able to meet Pastor Charles and his family. They can listen to their stories and pray for them.

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Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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