Baixas – Highlights Catalan Friends in South India

An exhibition tracing back 15 years of the association’s actions.

Exhibition “15 years already” dedicated to the association of Catalan Friends of South India (ASCI), Amics catalans of South India will be held from Friday 9 to Tuesday 20 December at Cellar Dom Brial. Every day, from 15.00 to 18.30, association members will welcome the public. Open Friday, December 9 from 18:30.

Organized by ACSI from the story of Dominique Malis, the founder of the association, in collaboration with the Reference association, this traveling exhibition will tour the department and beyond who wish to participate in the influence of Indian culture in the Catalan country by presenting various solidarity actions and projects.

15 years of solidarity action

After their first visit to South India in 2007 and wanting to promote a solidarity action, Dominique Malis and his wife Marie Claire invited Indian fans to share their love of their civilization with the people of the Catalan nation. This is how about twenty people with the most varied skills and experiences decided to create a general interest association called ACSI Catalan Amics of South India. Over the years and beyond the commitment of the volunteers, the generosity of the Catalan people and the support of partners has enabled the completion of such ambitious projects as the repair of the sanitary facilities of an orphanage in Pondicherry after the tsunami; the construction of a school for 500 pupils in Cheenthalar, in the mountains of Kerala; access to funding for superior classes for the poorest children; creation of scholarships for 57 of them through sponsorship in partnership with Vijayapuram Catholic Diocese Social Services (VSSS). In recent years, President Marc Mozzi and his team, while strengthening solidarity action, have promoted action in terms of neighborhood and school exchanges. Today, the founders passed the baton to new president Suja Sivarajkumar who, from the first edition of the Diwali celebrations in 2009, participated in the influence of this event to commemorate the victory of light over darkness. The event went ahead thanks to the support of the municipality of Baixas, winery cooperator Dom Brial and villagers. On August 23, 2009, following the advice of Mo, an exporter of Indian furniture and fabrics, the group decided to create an event under the sign of Diwali, India’s major festival of lights, which is celebrated annually in late October and early November according to the lunar calendar. Dominique Malis, a native of Baixas, proposed, after initial contact with mayor Gilles Foxonet and president of Dom Brial cooperator Roger Torreilles, the lavish arrangement of the wine-growing and cultural space of Château les Pins. In October 2022, the 12th edition of Diwali is being held after 2 years of health crisis.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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