award of permanent seat to African Union to be considered at 2023 summit in India (Macky Sall)

(Ecofin Agency) – Lobbying by some African leaders for better representation of the continent in the G20 is starting to bear fruit. The accession of the African Union has been put on the agenda of the next summit of this international forum.

The award of a permanent seat to the African Union (AU) in the G20 will be examined at the next summit of this global governance body scheduled for 9 and 10 September 2023 in India, President of Senegal Macky Sall announced on Wednesday 16 November.

“I thank the G20 members who supported the African Union’s nomination for the Group, during the Bali Summit in Indonesia. AU membership will be considered at the 2023 G20 Summit in India”said Mr Sall, who also chairs the African Union, in a tweet.

Mr Sall, who has been taking part in the G20 Summit in Bali (Indonesia) since Monday 14 November as a guest, reiterated, on Tuesday 15 November, his call for granting G20 permanent member status to the African Union.

“I want to emphasize that in the renewal of multilateralism that we carried out in Bali, Africa remains an important partner on the international stage. It is the 8th economic power by its GDP, owning over 60% of arable land with an estimated population of nearly 2.5 billion by 2050., he pointed. And to add: “Therefore, Africa can have a fair ambition to be integrated as a permanent member of the G20 Forum and I would like to invite my colleagues to do so”.

Last July, the President of Indonesia and Chairman-in-Office G20, Joko Widodo, announced that he would invite the AU to take part in the Bali Summit so that the voice of the African continent could be heard more.

The G20 is an international forum that brings together 20 countries with the largest and fastest growing economies (19 countries plus the European Union). Its members represent approximately 80% of global GDP, 60% of the world’s population and 75% of international trade. South Africa is so far the only permanent member of the G20 from the African continent.

Also read:

12/11/2022 – African Union Chair Macky Sall will attend the G20 Summit

20/07/2022 – Egypt, Ghana and Senegal apply for permanent seat for African Union in G20

18/07/2022 – As host, Indonesia intends to invite the African Union to the next G20 Summit

24/09/2021 – 76th UN General Assembly: President Akufo-Addo pleads for African Union admission to the G20

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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