Author: Ambrose Fernandez

"Subtly charming web junkie. Unapologetic bacon lover. Introvert. Typical foodaholic. Twitter specialist. Professional travel fanatic."

Indian troops withdraw from Maldives

[–> Indien muss im Ringen um Einfluss­zonen im Indischen Ozean mit seinem Nachbarn China einen Rückschlag hinnehmen. Nachdem die dortige Regierung ein Ultimatum gestellt hatte, hat Indien alle seine auf den Malediven stationierten Truppen abgezogen. [–> Der Rückzug der bis

The biggest election in the world begins

On the one hand, his PR machine is working. But it also has a good summary of economic modernization and progress in the last ten years – under Modi, for example, with the “Make in India” initiative, there has been

India: Parliamentary elections begin in India

External content is integrated at this point We need your consent to view it Please enable JavaScript to view this content. Further In the India Parliamentary elections have begun. Some 970 million eligible voters were asked to vote for the

India: When the world's largest democracy votes

India voted. The country has recently benefited from geopolitical power struggles and is considered an engine of global growth. Will Narendra Modi run for a third term in India? The world's largest democracy is electing a new parliament. About 969