At Fougères, Indian restaurants adapt flavors from elsewhere

Éric and Kugatheepa are opening a restaurant in October 2021 ©La Chronique Republikaine

Meet with Eric and Kugatheepa, owner of an Indian restaurant located on rue de la Pinterie Fern.

Where is the Indian Restaurant located?

This restaurant is located on rue de la Pinterie, slightly before the portico that leads to the Ruelle des Vaux, as you descend towards the castle.

It was once the site of the Taj Mahal, run by Nepalese restaurateur Subedi Biraj, which received strong support from Fougerais in 2016, mobilized to renew their residence permits.

The place was closed for almost 4 years before Eric and Kugaheepa bought it, did some painting and decorating work, modernized the kitchen and opened in October 2021.

Who are Eric and Kugaheepa Vakeesa?

This couple is from Sri Lanka. A political refugee, Eric arrived in Rennes fifteen years ago. Greeted by his uncle Ravindran, the owner of a Bombay restaurant, he was immediately hired there in the kitchen.

Kugaheepa is in Italy, where he also works in restaurants. He joined me in Bombay to be a waiter and assistant cook for 3 years.

Eric Vakeesan

The couple try to organize themselves and find out that in Fougères, there are no Indian restaurants anymore. I thought to myself, why not? Eric still remembers.

How was a day at an Indian Restaurant?

The restaurant is open daily except Wednesday, for lunch and dinner. Eric and Kugaheepa managed it together. Eric was in the kitchen, his wife helped him with the preparations then went into the dining room for the service and “and we did the cleaning and cleaning together”.

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The couple offer Sri Lankan and Indian dishes that Eric makes in-house, including desserts. ”

There is a purveyor for an Indian restaurant in Paris in the neighborhood near the Gare du Nord. This is where I buy what comes from India

Eric Vakeesan

Negombo prawns, specialties brought over from Bombay, meat, fish or vegetable curries, burianis (rice-based), Tandoori dishes and Ceylon specialties, such as chicken Korma, lamb Jalfarezi or Bombay beef, welcome customers who come to sample these flavors from at another place.

We have slightly modified the traditional recipe to adapt it to the tastes of the French who eat less spicy food than in India.

Eric Vakeesan

The little stars indicate after each dish the strength of the spices used so everyone knows what to expect, “but if I’m asked more or less spicy, it doesn’t matter, one shouldn’t be afraid to come and taste”, the restaurant owner smiled .

Regulars know it well, kindness and service are always there in Indian Restaurants because Eric and Kugaheepa are committed to doing well.

At the restaurant you can eat in or order take-out for lunch and dinner. “You just have to remember to order by 7pm for Friday and Saturday nights.”

And for the future? “We are happy with our first year and we hope to continue like this”.

Indian restaurant, 70, rue de la Pinterie. Phone 07 82 96 69 77. On the spot and take home. Open daily, except Wednesday, noon and night.

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Serena Hoyles

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