ASEAN and its partners promote their cooperation

Immediately after the conclusion of the Limited Meeting of ASEAN Defense Ministers (ADMM Retreat), Minister of Defense Phan Van Giang participated on November 22 in Phnom Penh in the informal meeting of ASEAN – United States and ASEAN – India Defense Ministers.

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>> ASEAN – Australia Defense Ministers Informal Meeting

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Informal Meeting of Defense Ministers ASEAN – United States.
Photo: VNA/CVN

In an informal meeting with ASEAN Defense Ministers, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reiterated the US commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region, based on respect for the independence and sovereignty of nations and international law.

The head of the ASEAN delegation expressed the hope that the United States will continue to contribute to the mechanisms and frameworks chaired by ASEAN, to support ASEAN solidarity, unity and centrality.

In an informal meeting with ASEAN Defense Ministers, Indian Defense Minister Shri Rajnath Singh emphasized that India has always respected the centrality of ASEAN and actively participated in ASEAN.ASEAN-led mechanisms. She proposed a cooperation initiative with ASEAN to promote the participation of ASEAN women in UN peacekeeping operations and responding to marine pollution caused by plastic waste.

The heads of delegations from ASEAN countries welcomed and expressed their support for the initiative put forward by India.

Minister Phan Van Giang applauded the meaningful proposal from India’s Ministry of Defense to celebrate 30 yearse anniversary of ASEAN-India relations.

Hosting this first informal meeting is a good opportunity to discuss issues of mutual concern and promote defense cooperation between ASEAN and India, said Phan Van Giang.

The fact that ASEAN had agreed in principle to holding the first ASEAN-India maritime exercise demonstrated ASEAN’s support for India’s proposal, he said.

Minister Phan Van Giang then held a bilateral meeting with his partners from Indonesia, America, South Korea and India.

During the meeting, the defense ministers of Vietnam and Indonesia agreed to encourage an exchange of delegations, a defense policy dialogue mechanism at the deputy ministerial level…

In his meeting with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Minister Phan Van Giang suggested that the two sides continue to carry out areas of cooperation in accordance with the documents signed.

The two ministers agreed that defense cooperation between countries would continue to be actively carried out in accordance with the spirit of the Memorandum of Understanding on Promoting Bilateral Defense Cooperation signed in 2011, the joint vision statement on defense relations signed in 2015, and directives from senior leaders of the two countries .

During their meeting, Minister Phan Van Giang and his South Korean counterpart, Lee Jong-sup, agreed to promote the exchange of delegations and maintain a regular cooperation mechanism.

During the meeting, the two ministers of Vietnam and India, Phan Van Giang and Shri Rajnath Singh, agreed to implement the results of the official visit of the Minister of Defense of India to Vietnam and the statement of a joint vision on the Vietnam-India defense partnership.


Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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