The BRICS countries agree on one thing: it is clear to them that the current international order is in favor of the West, says foreign policy expert Manoj Kewalramani.
(Photo: IMGO/UPI Photo)
Bangkok About 40 countries have expressed interest in joining the BRICS, and six countries are now joining the alliance, namely China, India, Russia, Brazil and South Africa. From the point of view of Indian foreign policy expert Manoj Kewalramani, this massive invasion demonstrates the desire of developing countries for greater international influence. There is agreement that “the current international order is in favor of the West – and more needs to be done to balance the balance of power,” said the economist and political scientist, who heads the Indo-Pacific department at think tank Takshashila in the tech metropolis. Bangalore directs. In an interview, he said what reaction he recommends to the West.
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