anti-conversion laws continue to wreak havoc

Worship during a seminar on the persecution in northern India.

In states in India where anti-conversion laws came into effect, there has been an increase in attacks on Christians.

In India, false accusations and arrests for alleged forced conversions to Christianity are on the rise. In countries where anti-conversion laws have been in place, attacks on Christians have increased sharply. In September, in northern India alone, our contacts reported more than 50 arbitrary arrests of Christians.

Fear is constantly being caught

In recent weeks, more than 20 priests have been arrested and accused of forcing Hindus to convert to Christianity. The anti-conversion law was completely diverted from its primary purpose and served as a pretext for arresting and punishing Christians without any evidence. Beyond arrest, the general climate encourages Hindu fundamentalists to physically attack Christians because they know they will not be bullied. Christians live every day in fear of being arrested or attacked at any moment.

Involvement of the authorities

These attacks were carried out with the tacit agreement, even the open support of the existing powers. This one contains hate speech against Christians. He accused them of worshiping foreign gods and threatening traditional Hindu gods. Local governments are involved with extremists attacking Christians. The police themselves welcomed the arrest pastor: agents are persuaded to serve their country by ridding India of “traitors to their homeland”.

Between the police’s passion for arrests, the government’s passion for condemnation, and general impunity for attackers, Christians are caught in a pincer movement.

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India: more than 25 anti-Christian attacks at the end of last year

Indian Christians celebrate Christmas and New Year in fear as acts of hostility against them increase.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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