Ananda Matha Monastery: Trappistine Nuns in India, the first!

Paris Vox – Let’s go, towards India, to find the Ananda Matha monastery! Founded in 1995 by Soleilmont Abbey in Belgium, Ananda Matha Monastery is India’s first Trappist monastery. Today, seven Trappistine nuns live there according to Saint Benedict’s rule of “ora et labora” (“prayer and work” in Latin) with a daily rhythm of seven offices. Would you like to know more? So go ahead, Divine Box takes you to discover this monastery, its community, and its knowledge!

Ananda Matha Monastery Page | © Ananda Matha Monastery

The First Steps of Ananda Matha Monastery

In 1995 the Belgian community of Soleilmont Abbey, located in Fleurus, Belgium, founded the Ananda Matha convent. The latter is located in Makkiyad, in the province of Kerala in India. The full name of the monastery is “Ananda Matha Ashram” which means “Mother of Joy”. And it is no coincidence that Soleilmont Monastery chose to anchor the monastery in the province of Kerala! Indeed, it is in this region of India that there is the largest number of Christians, with over six million practitioners. In 2009, Ananda Matha Monastery moved location and moved to Kunnambetta, still in the same Kerala province.

What is meant by “Cistercian Trapistine Sister”?

The sisters of the Ananda Matha monastery belong to the “Cistercian order of strict observance”. This was a 17th century reform, initiated by the Abbé de Rancé diMonastery of La Trappe de Soligny that gave rise to this order. It was then that the nickname “Trappist” (and “Trappistines” for sister) was coined, inspired by the Notre-Dame de la Trappe de Soligny Monastery!

And in 1098 the Cistercian order was born with the founding of the Citeaux monastery. The goal is to adopt a more conscious way of life, between prayer and manual work. At that time, the birth of the Cistercian order was a big change! Indeed, at first, the daily life of the Benedictine monks mainly focused on the liturgy and prayer because they were very cultured and educated.

Ananda Matha Monastery: Trappistine Nuns in India, the first!

Seven Trappistine Sisters of Ananda Matha Monastery © Ananda Matha Monastery

Varied production!

Although Ananda Matha’s siblings are few, the community is still very active and produces local pepper and coffee grown in their gardens, neighboring producers (cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg and even cashews!). In addition, they select and bag the green and black teas grown in the region. A good boost that boosts the local economy! Spices are grown on land where nature is respected and where the impact on the environment is lowest possible! Today, Soleilmont Monastery, the mother monastery of Ananda Matha Monastery, takes care of the distribution of their products frommonastic skill throughout Europe.

Sisters from Ananda Matha Monastery tend to their plantation © Ananda Matha Monastery

Ananda Matha Monastery today

The abbey now has seven Trappistine nuns who live according to Saint Benedict’s rule, “ora et labora” which means “prayer and work”. Their daily life is punctuated by seven services (the first is at 4am!), and by manual labor. The sisters offer a variety of products such as coffee, or their local tea of ​​choice (black, green and spiced). So there’s something for everyone! In addition to this manual activity, the sisters run an inn throughout the year to welcome those who wish to go on a retreat, have a quiet time and pray for a few days or even a few weeks!

A real meeting place and gathering, the locals of the surrounding villages come there regularly for main occasions of prayer or for celebrations around good food. When the family comes to the convent, the community cooks for everyone!

The monastery is a real meeting place between village families and sisters © Monastre d’Ananda Matha

Where to find Ananda Matha Monastery Products

To find this monastery there is nothing better than going straight to India! Here is the address: Ananda Matha Ashram (Convent of Our Lady of Joy), Cistercian Sisters, Kunnambetta PO673 123, Wayanad District, Kerala, INDIA. Once there, the community may welcome you for a retreat of a few days or a few weeks with time of prayer and rest on the program. But if the journey is too complicated for you, find out Ananda Matha monastery products in online monastery shop by Divine Box!

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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