Akamai Expands Data Cleansing Center Capacity to Prevent DDoS Attacks

Jakarta: Akamai Technologies announced the evolution of its DDoS protection platform (Prolexic) with the launch of a new fully software-defined data cleansing center that will increase defense capacity up to 20 Tbps and accelerate future product innovation.

Due to increasingly sophisticated and world-record DDoS attacks, this decision further purports to enable Akamai Prolexic to protect customers against the largest multi-terabyte attacks and improve business performance and reliability by line of any size located anywhere in the world. world, the whole world.

New data cleansing centers located around the world analyze incoming traffic, identify threats and eliminate malicious activity to prevent downtime for end users or the network. The center is fully software-defined and facilitates rapid deployment for capacity expansion, better regional coverage and better redundancy.

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Initial rollout begins in Q3 2022 and continues into 2023 with additional centers placed in all major regions including North America (US-East/West, Canada), Europe (Italy, Spain , Switzerland), Asia (India, Japan, Hong Kong) , and the Middle East.

DDoS threats are growing rapidly, so businesses without adequate defenses face significant risk. Since 2020, organizations have suffered massive DDoS extortion attacks, multi-terabyte attacks, hacktivism, and an explosion of new threats.

Security teams are also under immense pressure to defend against increasingly sophisticated attacks. In 2010, the top five DDoS attack vectors accounted for 90% of all attacks, whereas today the top five attack vectors account for only 55% of all attacks.

“DDoS attacks are innovating at an unprecedented rate, but we ensure that Akamai’s DDoS defenses evolve much faster and will always be one step ahead of the latest threats,” said Sean Lyons, senior vice president and director General of Akamai Infrastructure Security.

“By also bringing DDoS protection closer to our customers, they will know they can rely on Akamai to deliver unparalleled security without impacting latency and the end-user experience.”

Akamai Prolexic stops attacks with its cloud-based DDoS data cleansing platform to protect the applications it runs on, whether in data centers, public clouds, or colocation facilities.

These devices provide comprehensive protection against many types of DDoS attacks and protect against continuous high-bandwidth attacks, as well as today’s complex multi-vector attacks that move from application to application.

Prolexic includes proactive mitigation controls tailored to network traffic to stop attacks instantly, backed by active mitigation by Akamai’s global SOCC 24/7, and provides a unique Service Level Agreement (SLA) 100% uptime for customers.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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