Air India fined 34,000 euros after passenger urinated on woman

Air India was fined after one of its passengers urinated on an elderly woman.

Heavy fines for airlines. Nicknamed “pipigate”, this case relates to events dating back to November 26. While on a flight from New York to New Delhi, an Indian businessman named Shankar Mishra, an American bank clerk and heavily drunk, urinated on a woman.

The 72 year old, the latter, who was sitting in business class, complained about the situation, but the man was not sanctioned at the time. Reported by the Indian media, this episode caused controversy. The accused was finally caught and imprisoned by the police several weeks later, however he continues to deny this fact.

Serious consequences

Shankar Mishra’s employer, American bank Wells Fargo, has decided to part company with him. Air India, which the court accused of mishandling the case, was also fined $37,000, which is equivalent to around 34,000 euros.

The plane’s pilot license was also suspended for three months after India’s civil aviation regulator said he had “failed in his duty” to ensure the safety of passengers on board. .

The airline’s director, Campbell Wilson, had to issue a public apology in the face of the extent of the case in the media and social networks.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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