AAM AASTHA exhibition at Château des Ducs de Bretagne: a journey of photography in India

Castle of the Dukes of Brittany
Until November 27

Thanks to his travels in India and his nomadic photographs, the artist allows us to discover his explorations of the sometimes spectacular forms of god incarnation, his mystical odyssey, and the discovery of the various cultures that make our world rich.

With his AAM AASTHA photography series, Charles Fréger offers the opportunity to explore India’s extraordinary, gigantic space with an infinite variety of landscapes, cultures, religions and beliefs reflected in the diversity of its one billion people. . Previous series produced by artists in Europe, Japan and the Americas have revealed traces of material and immaterial culture concentrated during certain celebrations, namely masks and carnivals. AAM AASTHA, by making it possible to discover the intrinsic and permanent connection of Indians with religion and spirituality, particularly within the Hindu and Buddhist communities, disrupts our relationship. Get lost in the face of beliefs, devotions and stories of founding illustrated by those who, by wearing costumes, have changed not only their appearance but also their status and have become real and temporal incarnations of gods whose features and attributes, we try to identify, here Vishnu, there is Krishna or Ganesha. But soon, we become aware of what we are missing. Indians’ relation to the different worlds, whether real, infra or supra, their conception of life, the afterlife and the original Cosmos, their perception of the Other, whether human, animal, plant or mixed, their interest in gender, whether feminine, masculine or multiple; everything here thwarts our belief. This is no longer a matter of Good and Evil, or even of beginning and end in the sense we usually understand, as evidenced by the epic and poetic epic of Prince Rama, resurrected in the Ramayana, which was very popular in India. .

Until November 27, 2022
4 Pls. Marc Elder, 44000 Nantes

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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