a very pleasant surprise for a successful indie game

Did you fall in love with the indie game Road 96 like most people? DigixArt and Ravenscourt have great prizes coming soon.

DigixArt Montpellier’s residents aren’t done yet Street 96 and has a big reveal for us today.

Road 96: Miles 0 is unveiled and quietly dated

For two years, the studio has been working hard to bring Road 96: Mile 0, the prequel to the game releasing in summer 2021. In this new narrative adventure, the developers wanted to dig into the character of Zoe and tell a special story about her origins. , prior to the summer 1996 road trip.

The action takes place in White Sands, the wealthy community of Petria, and will feature two protagonists. Zoe who the players already know, and Kaito who some people will recognize because he is one of the heroes Lost in Harmonyanother game from DigixArt.

Kaito was born in the dark and dangerous side of Colton City and moved with his parents to White Sands with the aim of finding work and escaping the city’s pollution. Explore the inner world of the two characters. Although the narrative aspect remains a central element Street 96: Mile 0, Zoe and Kaito will glide through the path of psychedelic music. This imaginary excursion is a unique blend of rhythmic gameplay and narrative choices, allowing players to influence and shape their emotional journey.

Yoan Fanise, CEO of DigixArt, tells us more:

In the Mile 0, we want to show you where Zoe came from, as well as the reasons that prompted her to leave her comfortable life behind. However, we didn’t want to do it the conventional way, we chose a more delirious way, with a musical sequence full of metaphors, where you go through Zoe’s and Kaito’s beliefs and doubts. The funny thing is YOU decide how you want them to develop.

Via press release.

Soundtrack by The Midnight

If the music that sounds in the trailer flatters your ears, know that it’s the song “Land Locked Heart” by The Midnight.

This song is about the paradox of coming home. Even if it’s where you grew up and everything around you proves it to you, there will be times when you feel like you’re no longer at home. Eventually, you feel like you have to leave this place or you have to stay there and continue with a story that is no longer your own. We’re excited to see this title come to life in Road 96: Mile 0.

Midnight via press release.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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