A Look at the Situation of the Global Muslim Ummah in 2022

TEHRAN (IQNA) – Islam and Muslims are influential in various issues and areas of global development in 2022, and the successful and high-quality hosting of the World Cup in Qatar is considered one of the achievements treasures of the Islamic world last year.

“The events of 2022 are as influential and significant in various areas of the global Muslim community as before. It could be said that 2022 has been a year of chaos and a year of victory for Muslims from a global and global perspective. “a Muslim perspective. The war in Ukraine and events in the Middle East have taken center stage. Islamophobia continues to rise, especially in India and France,” according to Iqna, citing Patheos.

Growing Islamophobia

In India, protests erupted in early January after a government women’s college in the coastal town of Udupi banned Muslim female students from wearing the headscarf in classrooms, saying it was not part of the school uniform. The following month, Muskan Khan, a university student, made international headlines after she said “Allahu Akbar” to a group of men who berated her for wearing the headscarf. “It’s more than just a symbol of Islam for us. It’s a symbol of our pride,” she said of her clothing choice.

A Look at the Situation of the Global Muslim Ummah in 2022

The United Nations has declared March 15 as the International Day Against Islamophobia. Today, proposed by Pakistan, is the day in 2019 that a white supremacist gunman entered two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 51 people and injuring 40.

Back in India, the Islamophobic capital of the world under Modi’s nationalist government, 20 Muslim-owned shops were vandalized in New Delhi. The demolition was eventually halted following a Supreme Court order.

US President Joe Biden appoints the first Muslim woman to serve as a federal judge in the Eastern District of New York.

A Look at the Situation of the Global Muslim Ummah in 2022

Seventy-five-year-old Saifullah Paracha, Guantanamo Bay’s oldest detainee, has been released and returned to Pakistan.

In the field of sport, the World Cup was held in Qatar. It is the first time that a Muslim and Arab country has hosted the most watched sport in the world.

Meanwhile, it was the Moroccan team that made history and became the first Muslim and Arab country to qualify for the FIFA World Cup semi-finals in Qatar. (HRY)

A Look at the Situation of the Global Muslim Ummah in 2022


Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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