A counterproposal to the West – but without Putin

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The Brics nations are at war against the Western world order. Russia is part of this alliance, but President Putin will only appear at the upcoming summit via video link.

Johannesburg – The Brics Group, made up of the states of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, sees itself as a counterbalance to western alliances such as the G7. However, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin did not travel to the upcoming summit in the South African economic metropolis of Johannesburg due to an arrest warrant issued against him by the International Criminal Court – and is thus now experiencing the direct effects of the Ukraine war he sparked. .

Russian isolation: Sergey Lavrov represented Kremlin head Putin at the Brics summit in South Africa

That An arrest warrant was issued by the International Court of Justice against the head of the Kremlin expelled for the abduction of children from Ukraine to Russian territory. Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, will represent the Russian president at the August 22-24 meeting. The fact that Putin must now impose travel restrictions on himself at the risk of being arrested speaks volumes. The international isolation became clear earlier in the year at the UN General Assembly.

China, India and South Africa abstained in the vote, while Brazil voted for Russia to withdraw from Ukraine. Nevertheless, the five nations of the Brics – the acronym made up of the initial letters of the participating nations Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – are now working together to undermine the West and rebalance world trade. For Russia, it is also a way out of isolation. These five countries currently represent 42 percent of the world’s population and about a quarter of global economic output.

The Brics Group wants to be a counterbalance to the G7

Although the Kremlin leader was absent in South Africa, the Brics summit was attended by dignitaries: According to Chinese state media, Chinese President Xi Jinping left for a meeting in South Africa on Monday. Brazilian head of state Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and head of government of the world’s second most populous country, Indian President Narendra Modi, are also expected. Putin participated via video link. The summit will also reportedly be attended by representatives from 34 other countries, as well as a number of leaders from Africa and the Global South. The Brics Group is trying to strengthen its international influence and sees itself as a counterbalance to Western alliances such as the G7 or NATO.

A banner advertising the 2023 BRICS Summit hangs on the side of the Sandton Convention Center in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa on August 20, 2023. © IMAGO/JEMAL COUNTESS/UPI Photo

Countries opposed to a world order that they believed served the interests of the wealthy Western powers, particularly the United States. On the agenda of the summit the possibility of future expansion, which the group has previously indicated. At least 40 countries, including African nations such as Algeria, Egypt and Ethiopia, have expressed interest in joining the group. A total of more than 60 countries were invited to the summit, including all African countries. Only one country has been turned down: French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed interest in attending the summit – but has not accepted an invitation. The former colonial rulers and industrial powers of the West were clearly not wanted (same as AFP/dpa).

Ambrose Fernandez

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