3 common mistakes when trying to lose weight

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Drop ballast Physical health must go hand in hand. But if the process causes a person to lose sleep, appetite and happiness, then something is wrong with the process.

Many people make mistakes in the weight loss process. Not a few who managed to achieve the goal, but had to sacrifice their long-term physical health.

Nutritionist in India, Rujuta Diwekar, has listed the top three mistakes many people make while losing weight.

1. Wait until the New Year to exercise

“The right time is ‘now’. It doesn’t diminish the 2023 target, it only accelerates it,” he said in an Instagram post.

A lot of people do new years resolution for a fitter body. But, if you want it to work, it’s best to start the process now.

2. Libra Obsession

According to Diwekar, health is not about numbers. “If you’re losing weight but also losing sleep, appetite and happiness, then you’re in the wrong situation. Being healthy is the key to losing weight,” the nutritionist said. Don’t obsess over the number that appears on the scale, as long as you diligently follow a healthy lifestyle, including clean eating, exercise, fitness goals will be achieved.

3. Wrong Diet

Many models diet that claim to be healthy but require apps, products or pills. Stay away from these fad diets as they are most likely unsustainable. Experts say a good lifestyle consists of sleeping clean, eating out less and cooking more. “It’s about less drama and enjoying nice, slow food. It’s about training like there’s tomorrow,” she wrote, emphasizing respect for the body.

Diwekar concludes that keeping a simple healthy lifestyle for long-term weight loss isn’t as complicated as one might think. Need something lasting to change.


Read also : Emily Ratajkowski is happy to have regained weight after drastically dropping down to 45 kg

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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