More than 140 people have died in a suspension bridge collapse in India

People were in a celebratory mood – on a bridge that, according to a representative for the authorities, should not have entered at all. Nevertheless, tickets have been sold.

It was already dark when a suspension bridge in western India carrying hundreds of people collapsed in seconds. Surveillance footage, videos on local television and social media show this and the chaos that followed.

At least 141 people were killed late Sunday (local time) and dozens were injured, he said POLICE on Monday with Most of the victims were women, children and the elderly, he said. At least 177 people have been rescued from the flooding of the Machchhu River. Pictures and videos show how many people are in the water clinging to sections of the bridge, screaming and rescuers rushing at them in boats. Many Indians cannot swim.

Nobody controls access to the bridge

Footage has also circulated online showing how, just before the collapse, crowds of people were jumping on the 1.25 meter wide and 230 meter long pedestrian bridge, and how it was moving back and forth. An eyewitness told local television station NDTV that the bridge swayed so much that one could not stand without holding on. Thus, he and his family left the bridge quickly. According to him, no one is trying to control the crowd.

The accident took place in Morbi in the state of Gujarat. The bridge dates back to the 19th century, when India was a British colony. Local authorities call the bridge an “engineering marvel” on their website. During construction, the latest technology available in Europe at the time was used.

Just last week, the pedestrian bridge was reopened by a private company after months of renovations. It is also popular with local tourists. On Sundays it attracts huge crowds of visitors considering some of the days of important Hindu festivals. Among other things, the Chhath Puja festival is celebrated, during which the sun god is worshiped. So many people in a celebratory mood.

compensation for family members

It was initially unclear why the bridge had collapsed, and a corresponding investigation was announced. Media reports say that the construction may not be able to withstand the weight of so many people. The “Hindustan Times” reports that far more people are on the bridge than buying tickets for their access. A security guard couldn’t stop him.

A local official told NDTV that local authorities have not inspected the bridge after the rehabilitation work and have not given the go-ahead for its reopening. Nine people were arrested on Monday, including the manager from the company that renovated the bridge, the ticket seller and the security guard at the site.

US President Joe Biden and his wife expressed their condolences Monday: “Jill and I extend our deepest condolences to the families who lost loved ones in the bridge collapse,” Biden said. In this difficult time, the US continues to support the Indian people.

In recent years, dozens of people have died in India due to infrastructure-related accidents. In such cases there is compensation for the victim’s family. In the case of the bridge collapse, the office of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the government of the affected state of Gujarat announced 200,000 rupees (about 2,440 euros) and 400,000 rupees (about 4,880 euros) respectively.

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