Attack during a prayer meeting in India: nine Christians seriously injured

The Christian community in India has once again become the target of aggression by Hindu nationalists. The group entered the parish hall in the village of Koshalnar. Nine Christians were seriously injured.

According to local sources, a mass of radical Hindu groups, Sunday, November 20, surrounded the church with full Sunday mass celebrations. The assailants first asked the priest and his brother to leave the room, then they attacked violently with clubs as soon as they appeared.

The mob then broke into the parish hall and violently attacked the Christians who were present at the place of worship. Casualties in this attack were heavy, several parishioners were injured, including nine in serious condition.

International Christian Concern revealed that Christians in Chhattisgarh are also facing another form of persecution, which targets their graves. The radical nationalists demanded that Christians be buried in cemeteries reserved for them and not in their villages. There are no Christian cemeteries in all Chhattisgarh villages.

This central Indian state is one of 11 states where anti-conversion law, which is often used to discriminate against religious minorities, including Christianity, is applied. In contented silence from the authorities of this country, who have done nothing to protect the Christian community, which has been present in the country for almost 2000 years.

India’s highest court in the country said last week that forced conversions “jeopardize national security”. Christianity Today reported that indian supreme court called on the government to crack down on alleged “religious conversion fraud”. Human rights and religious freedom activists are sounding the alarm.

“We are concerned that because of this, the Indian government may further undermine religious freedom. »

Salma El Monster

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