Russia welcomes India’s stance on the Ukraine conflict

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov praised India’s balanced approach to the war in Ukraine on Friday in New Delhi.

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India, which US President Joe Biden deemed “indecisive” in his response to the invasion of Ukraine, refused to join a vote condemning Moscow at the United Nations.

“These days, our Western colleagues want to reduce a significant international problem to a crisis in Ukraine (…)”, the head of Russia’s diplomacy in New Delhi said in English, during a meeting with his Indian counterpart. S. Jaishankar .

“(We) appreciate that India is approaching this situation with all the facts and not just unilaterally,” he continued.

“Friendship is the key word to describe the history of our relationship and our relationship has been very supportive in the past through many difficult times,” he added.

Lavrov is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday and convey “greetings” from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The diplomat arrived in the Indian capital late on Thursday from China. He announced the emergence of a new world order that both countries had dreamed of.

Its China ally reaffirmed the “unbounded” friendship of their two countries against the United States.

Delhi, on the other hand, shares the West’s concern over Beijing’s assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific.

The last clash between Chinese and Indian soldiers on the Line of Control, on the border of India’s Tibet and Ladakh region, only occurred in June 2020. The fighting killed 20 people on the Indian side, according to New Delhi, and four Chinese. side, according to Beijing.

“Young Partner”

Also visiting New Delhi, White House Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh said India could not rely on Russia in the event of another clash.

“Russia will be the junior partner in this relationship with China. And the more China’s influence over Russia, the less profitable it will be for India,” he said, quoted by the local press.

“I doubt anyone will believe that if China once again crosses the (real) Line of Control, Russia will defend India,” he added.

India is part of the “Quad” alliance consisting of the United States, Japan and Australia, which is seen as a bulwark against China.

The United States stands ready to help India, the world’s third-largest oil importer and consumer, diversify its defense and energy supply, Singh said.

“I have come here in a friendly spirit to explain our sanctions mechanism, the importance of joining us, to express our common will and advance common interests,” the adviser said.

But he immediately warned: “There are consequences for countries that actively try to circumvent (…) sanctions”.

“We strongly urge that all countries, especially our allies and partners, do not create mechanisms that support the ruble and seek to undermine the dollar-based financial system,” he added.

According to the press, India and Russia are working on a mechanism for paying in rupees and rubles to facilitate their exchange and circumvent Western sanctions imposed on Russian banks.

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