Inauguration of a Hindu temple in Dubai: a symbol of the strong bond between the Emirates and India

The new Hindu temple in Dubai opened in October. This modern spiritual center, so open to the world, is home to countless faces of Indian gods.

Among the official guests of the ceremony in Dubai was Sunjay Sudhir, Ambassador of India to the United Arab Emirates. Asked about the meaning and importance of this temple, he described it as “a wonderful evolution”.

The opening of the new temple in Dubai also has significance for the large Indian community present in the United Arab Emirates.

“Each new temple brings new joy to the Indian community and this temple in particular, as it is a majestic structure which in itself is a work of art. The temple houses 16 Hindu gods, as well as the Sikh scriptures of the Guru Granth Sahib.”, explained the Indian ambassador who was proud of his country’s contribution.

Strengthening economic relations between the two countries.

Sunjay Sudhir also spoke about the increasingly strong economic ties between India and the United Arab Emirates. During his term, the two countries signed a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to lower tariffs.

“For India, this is the first economic rapprochement agreement we signed in the last ten years,” said the Indian ambassador who also mentioned Emirates’ important role in financing Indian startups.

“Today we already have 107 unicorns in India, and many of those unicorns are actually funded by Emirates. So both UAE and India believe that their futures are inseparable and that’s why these two countries complement each other so well”, explained the representative.

“India and UAE are working together on health cooperation in Africa. We are collaborating on fintech. We have started addressing issues related to climate change,” Sunjay Sudhir added.

The role of ambassador to the United Arab Emirates

When talking about his role as ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Sunjay Sudhir makes no secret of the fact that despite his experience, the country manages to surprise him:

“It was only after coming here, and being given the responsibility as ambassador for India, that I realized that actually there is still a lot to be done, because everyone here is very open. maybe here.”

Sunjay Sudhir has extensive experience in Indian foreign affairs. For him, having such international experience is above all a great opportunity.

“It all started about 30 years ago in Egypt, where I practiced Arabic, then I was stationed in Syria before returning to Delhi to work. After that, I went to Sri Lanka, then to the WTO in Geneva. I went back to India, then I went to Sydney. Then I was appointed ambassador to the Maldives and finally arrived here in the United Arab Emirates. So I’m traveling the world and occupying very different functions, but above all very enriching, the picture is very broad and very colorful.” concluded the Ambassador of India.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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