On the tour, discover indie electro and the UTO realm

Today, Arnaud Laporte spoke with Neysa May Barnettsinger, writer and composer who formed, with partner Emile Larroche, the electro duo YOU TOO. Enclosed in a cabin studio in the middle of the woods, UTO settled in to write his first album Touch Lock, released in the summer of 2022 under the Infiné/Pain Surprises label. Electro-pop album at the crossroads of various sounds to discover on tour: on 16/11 in Brest, in Nantes on 17/11, in Rennes on 18/11, on 24 November in London with Silly Boy Blue and at the Maroquinerie de Paris on 28/11.

A musical style difficult to qualify

“*We look for breaks from one part to another but these breaks are also played in the same part or we will go from a very dynamic part, a bit of hip hop, to a polyphonic part with organ for example . That’s important to us. They were supported by pieces that would look more like what would be called a washer like a charm, a jingle, something very fixed, looped, that would never break. There are several of these two writing methods on this album.”Neysa May Barnette

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Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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