Top Tech News, from Stadia to NFT for all

Jakarta: summarizes the most popular technology news or the most read news from Monday, August 1, 2022 that readers of might have missed.

Below, presents a summary of each of the most popular technology news along with accessible links to access the complete news of the three most popular technology news.

1. Google Cancel Stop Stadia Operation

Google issued an official statement, denying that it would stop operating Stadia, after rumors swirled earlier this week that Google would shut down the platform by the end of this year.

In addition to giving a rebuttal, through the official Stadia Twitter account, Google assures that it will continue to strive to present more interesting games on this gaming service platform, both regular and Pro versions.

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Read “Google Cancel Stop Operation Stadia” on here.

2. Here’s how to record screen on laptop Windows 7 to Windows 10

Now gamers are not only playing competitive games, some of them are also distributing their game on social media platforms including YouTube.

Consider the following steps to be able to record screen on this laptop with Windows 7 to Windows 10 operating system. As a reminder, this method can not only be used to record gameplay but also other activities on your computer portable, including the recording of educational institution presentation materials.

Read “Here’s how to record screen on laptop Windows 7 to Windows 10” on here.

3. Joint Ganara Art and IDNFT organize NFT for everyone

The NFT phenomenon moving towards art is why Hublife, Ganara Art and the Indonesian NFT Community (IDNFT) are collaborating to organize the NFT for All event to socialize NFT itself to the community at broad sense, so that people can learn more about this phenomenon. closely or perhaps become actors have contributed to the development of this technology.

Read “Ganara Art Together and IDNFT organize NFT for everyone” on here.


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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