What is the G20, the international meeting group with these crucial issues?

Starting November 15th, G20 will be held in Bali in Indonesia. Many leaders have landed in the Indonesian city, including Emmanuel Macron who arrived on Monday morning. However, highlights from the meeting: Vladimir Poutin, who admits that his agenda is too strict and will be represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. This will not prevent China and India from being scrutinized by the West for continuing to refuse to condemn Russia’s attacks.

Facilitate economic cooperation

on this program G20 therefore, a strong stake is expected by many countries. Annually, the “group of twenty”, or the twenty richest countries on the planet, have met since the creation of the intergovernmental forum in 1999. Each country is represented by its head of state or government, and ministers may also accompany the delegation.

At the discussion table, members of the G7, group of seven: France,GermanI’Italythat JapanI’Englishthey United States of America and Canada. They were accompanied by other major powers such as China, India, Brazil or even Russia and South Africa which formed the famous “Brics”. Finally, Australia, Argentina, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, South Korea and Indonesia completed the forum. In all, 19 countries and the European Union met. Between them, they represent 80% of world GDP, 75% of international trade, and two-thirds of the planet’s population.

Since its formation, the G20 has aimed to facilitate dialogue and economic consultations to combat crises. Each year, the group establishes a joint diagnosis of the world’s economic situation to propose global strategies and coordinate the efforts of individual countries and other international organizations such as the IMF or World Bank, for example. This year, Joko Widodo, Indonesia’s head of state chaired the summit. The first for an Asian country. Next year, it will be India’s turn to preside over the summit, 21 years after its last presidency.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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